How to Find the Right Shipping Company for Your Business?

Choosing the right shipping company can be challenging and have lasting implications. A suitable shipper plays a significant role in facilitating daily business operations. Without this partner, sending and receiving goods could significantly suffer. Receiving orders late could make you lose sales and customer trust.

Inversely, selecting the correct shipper has many benefits we can’t overemphasize. We drafted this post to help you choose the most suitable company for your shipping needs. Read on to make a smart decision.

1. Consider Your Customers and Products

You should consider your customers and goods when choosing the correct shipper.

  • Your customers

You must consider your customer’s location, how much they are willing to spend on deliveries, and how urgently they need your goods.

  • Your products

Considering your products is still necessary before settling for a given shipper. Factor in your goods’ costliness, size, nature, and weight before deciding. You need to consider how frequently you ship goods each week, your order value and margin, and product dimensions. This way, you will be better positioned to set your prices.

2. Delivery Speed

Your prospective shipping company’s delivery speed should inform your final decision. Speed is a key selling point in modern online and offline trade. No wonder Statista research shows that 42% of online consumers expect same-day order deliveries. In fact, some customers are ready to spend more on a product if it arrives faster.

Another retail consumer behaviour report shows that 15 of its correspondents said they shopped at Amazon because orders arrived faster. While many businesses may not deliver everything nationally on the same day, speed remains a bottom line. So, a shipping firm that delivers fast will enable you to serve your customers faster than your competitors.

delivery speed

3. Delivery Scope

Remember to factor in your prospective shipper’s delivery scope. Choose a firm that can deliver goods within your business’s delivery radius. If you provide products locally, a local firm will serve you better. A local firm definitely understands your locality better to the last details than larger national ones. Thus, such a partner can be a cheaper option for small enterprises.

Inversely, choose a shipping company with a national or international scope if you deliver goods nationally or internationally. Large shippers have broader connections and trusted overseas networks for better goods deliveries.

4. Capacity

You must look at a shipper’s capacity before deciding to work with it. Your chosen shipper should have the necessary ability to handle your shipment levels. The firm needs strong networks and sufficient financial capacity to handle business volumes at your level.

5. Safety

Transit goods safety is a non-negotiable necessity to factor in your decision. You shouldn’t let any factor compromise your cargo’s safety. For instance, it won’t benefit you to use a cheaper mover who fudges its logbooks and breaks the law to arrive at their destinations faster. You won’t benefit from a cheaper shipper with a higher accident rate due to its drivers’ carelessness.

Better choose a shipper who charges you higher rates, but your cargo arrives safely. If such a suitor utilizes electronic logging devices and has a higher safety rating, consider hiring them. A safe shipper helps you build your supply chain image and boost sales.


6. Service Scope

Factor in your potential shipper’s service scope before hiring it. Ask yourself if the firm can handle all your shipping needs under one roof or if you will need other shippers to move your cargo. Working with multiple firms could increase your expenses if your shipping requires several services. Therefore, partnering with a firm offering various services that meet your needs is the right way to go.

7. Carrier Stability

How stable and predictable is your potential carrier? Does the firm own its fleet of trucks and provide stable warehousing for your cargo? How well does it compare to other industry players offering the same services at competitive prices?

Asking and answering these questions is critical before selecting a particular moving company. A shipper’s long-term market stability directly affects your own business’s stability. Working with a firm boosts your reputation as a stable and predictable business.

8. Tracking Services

Tracking is fast becoming a standard feature when choosing a suitable shipper. You require a shipper that allows you to enjoy peace of mind because you know your cargo’s status. Easy tracking also enables you to know your goods’ location, their estimated arrival time, and any possible delays. This way, you will be better positioned to know what to answer your customers.

Your business will also find it easy to monitor cargo deliveries and shipments. With efficient monitoring services, your customers will receive their orders on time. Such transparent operations build trust with your customers.

9. Carrier Reputation

You should pay attention to your would-be carrier’s reputation before settling for it. A company’s reputation is an excellent way of determining if it is the right match for your shipping needs. An ill-reputed shipping firm is an obvious wrong choice for your business.

A poor reputation indicates the firm is shoddy in its operations, offers poor quality services, and might have serious ethical flaws. Take a firm that always delivers late or goods arrive in poor conditions as an example. In this case, opting for a shipper with a record of timely and safe deliveries is suitable for your business. You could still select this option even if it charged you slightly higher than competitors.

10. Costs

Cost implications should inform your choice. While cost isn’t the final determinant, choosing a firm that offers you value for your money makes business sense. When selecting, only choose an expensive company over a cheaper one if it provides better services than its equally competent competitors.


Final Thoughts

Choosing the right shipping company for your business has many far-reaching and lasting business implications. Thus, we shared insights to help you choose correctly and get value for your money.

Do you need a reliable shipping partner in and around Ontario? Don’t hesitate to contact us today for all your shipping needs.

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