How Much is Shipping From Toronto to Montreal?

Shipping costs from Toronto to Montreal vary, depending on many factors. Thus, it’s challenging to put a specific price tag on it. For example, the type of cargo you want to ship, delivery times, cargo size, and means of transport affect shipping cost. This post examines this matter in depth. Remain onboard to learn how our shipping services can benefit your business and life.

Factors Affecting Cargo Shipping Prices

Many factors determine the final shipping cost you pay for your cargo between Toronto and Montreal. This section examines some of the top ones.

1. Cargo Weight

Cargo weight is a leading factor driving shipping costs between these two cities. Most carriers charge users based on this element. In weight-based pricing, the transporter charges you more for a heavier package and vice versa.

Other transporters charge based on dimensional weight, meaning they calculate the parcel’s cost based on its weight, height, and length. The logic here is that you could have two packages weighing the same, but one might occupy more space. Thus, you could pay more for a lighter parcel because of its size.

2. Means of Shipping

Your preferred shipping means between these two cities also affects moving costs. Transporting items using trucks is one of the most efficient and moderately cost-effective methods. Moving your goods by train is the cheapest but slowest option. All air freight is the fastest and most expensive alternative.

3. Delivery Times

Your urgency also determines how much you spend. Express delivery services cost more than the standard 2-4 days delivery time. Therefore, you only use express services as a last resort to avoid eating into your profits. Below are the three main delivery times you can exploit.

  • Time-specific deliveries: These deliver cargo in precise time slots.
  • Express deliveries: They include overnight and next-day services.
  • Standard deliveries: They usually range between two and four working days.

4. Extra Costs

Additional charges drive the cost of shipping goods between Toronto and Montreal. It’s critical to understand them and how they affect shipment pricing. Below are the most common types of surcharges:

  • Fuel surcharge

This fee is one of the most common and covers fluctuating oil prices. Shippers calculate it as a percentage of your cargo’s price and usually adjust it weekly.

  • Oversized or odd-sized packages surcharge 

Transporters charge extra money for any package exceeding its standard weight or size format. Some of these shipments include cylindrical or non-stackable items.

  • Dangerous items

Shipping goods that could risk other cargo or people cost additional money.

  • Address correction

You may also pay an additional fee if your transporter spends extra time adjusting your address.

cargo shipping prices

How to Avoid Unnecessary Charges

You shouldn’t incur unnecessary shipping fees when you can avoid them. Here are keys to avoiding these additional freight costs.

  • Ensure your shipping details are correct and comply with shipping regulations.
  • Don’t use an unnecessarily large shipping box.
  • Ask your choice shipper if they have any surcharges that apply to your shipment.

5. Packaging Materials

Lastly, your packaging materials affect your cargo’s shipping price. These materials contribute to your shipment’s overall cost. It’s worth noting that most retailers spend slightly below 10% on packaging compared to what they spend on actual products. Therefore, choose your packaging purposefully to ensure it fits your needs.

But can you use a package that’s slightly bigger than your cargo? Yes, but under very strict conditions. For instance, you may exceed the size if the bigger box is of superior quality that will protect your goods from possible damage. This consideration could save you the cost of reshipping damaged products and dented reputation that could negatively affect future sales.

Strategies to Reduce Shipping Costs Between Toronto and Montreal

Whereas different factors beyond your control affect shipping prices between Toronto and Montreal, you can do something to reduce it. Below are the top strategies to help you save on transport costs next time you send goods between these destinations.

  • Weigh Your Packages and Reduce Dimensions

Weight and dimensions are the top factors driving a package’s shipping price. Unless you intend to use flat-rate shipping, transporting heavy and large items could be very costly. Therefore, weigh and measure your items to ensure they fit within your shipper’s pricing ranges.

This precaution could save you much money because you only need a few extra grams to enter another pricing range. Weighing and measuring your shipment alerts you when you are about to cross the line and incur additional costs.

  • Maximize Discounted Rates

You can reduce your shipping costs by maximizing discounted rates shippers offer. These discounts depend on your shipping volume. Don’t forget to optimize them.

  • Encourage Your Customers to Order Early

Encouraging your customers to order their goods early is another way of saving on shipping costs. During peak seasons or high-volume events, you must inform your customers by when they should place their orders to deliver them on time.

  • Ditch Boxes for Poly Mailers

Reduce your shipping expenses by ditching traditional boxes for poly mailers. If you deal in small, non-fragile goods, using poly mailer envelopes or bags is more cost-effective than conventional boxes. These poly bags are smaller and don’t consume much space on delivery trucks. Additionally, using them needs lesser packaging supplies such as bubble wraps and tape, saving you more cash.

  • Go Prepaid

Lastly, you can save on your freight expenses by going prepaid. This shipping plan could save you up to 20% of shipping expenses by buying a given amount of shipping labels upfront. However, this strategy benefits you more if you consistently ship orders of the same weight and size.

go prepaid

Call Us for All Your Shipping Needs

Shipping costs are a common part of every business. Therefore, it’s critical to understand their driving factors and how best you can minimize them to maximize your profits.

What do you want to ship across Canada? Don’t hesitate to talk to us about all your transport needs. Our lines are open. Go ahead and contact us today for a free estimate.

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