Cargo Loading & Unloading Safety Tips For Truck Drivers

Some of the worst injuries and fatalities in the trucking industry  occur due to improper loading and unloading.  In fact, one report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that nearly 20% of fatal injuries in the trucking industry occurred when the truck was not in motion. Statistics like these are why it is so important to understand the safe way to load and unload a truck.

Both new drivers and seasoned pros can make serious mistakes during the loading and unloading process. New drivers may be unaware of proper procedures while veteran drivers may start to feel too comfortable taking safety shortcuts. Here we will look at what the main causes of injury are during cargo loading and safety tips for truck drivers at all levels.

How are You Likely to Get Hurt Loading or Unloading a Truck?

When loading and unloading a truck, there are teams of people, possibly multiple vehicles, and often heavy equipment. All of these moving parts leave many areas where something can go wrong due to technical malfunctions and human error.  Here are the top reasons you may get hurt during loading:

  • Inexperience or error on the part of workers and drivers is a major concern. Drivers pull away before workers have finished loading or unloading their trucks. This can result in a variety of injury types including heavy packages falling from the truck and landing on a worker.
  • Failure to follow loading rules can also result in injury. For example, someone may try to stack packages too high or not secure items properly resulting in both injury and damage to the items.
  • Clutter and moisture on walkways in loading docks can lead to trip and fall injuries.
  • Heavy cargo falling because it is unbalanced can easily land on a loader or driver who is in an unfortunate place.
  • Running into or being run over by heavy machinery or forklifts are another common source of injuries.
  • Trailers moving as weight shifts during the loading and unloading process. This can result in foot injuries as the trailer rolls unexpectedly.

Remain Aware of Your Surroundings

While you should be able to concentrate on your individual job without safety risks, it is important to remember there are typically many people and a lot of moving parts during cargo loading. Whenever possible, work to stay vigilant about observing your surroundings.

More specifically, you should aim to always watch where you are going and avoid rushing when not necessary. Always look out for other people and vehicles in your walking path and strive to look out for dangers such as spills on the floor or other employees who are not paying attention.

Take extra time to look at the walkways and flooring. Be careful to avoid any gaps or steps in the loading area. Remember, if you trip in a loading area, you not only risk the chance of injury from falling but potentially much more serious injuries if a vehicle’s driver does not see you where you fell.

Review Proper Lifting Form

One of the most common ways people can injure themselves while loading and unloading is by not lifting items properly. This can include trying to lift things on your own that should be for two people and/or with a machine. It can mean bending your body at the wrong angle, trying to twist while holding a package, using your back when you should be relying on your legs, etc.

Even if you know the rules, aim to review them at least once every several months. It can be way too easy to become complacent about lifting and to start doing things that seem faster when they are really just more dangerous.

review lifting form

Make Sure Cargo is Secure and Balanced

This may seem too obvious to mention but when you are trying to work quickly it can be easy to forget to check if a load is truly secure. Take the time to pull on cargo straps and make sure items are loaded in such a way that they are not unbalanced and wobbly.

Specifically, you should be loading the heaviest objects on the bottom and the lighter ones on top. Not only will this balance things better, it will ensure that if something falls it will be the lightest packages which are less likely to cause serious injury.

Take the Time to Use Proper Tools

It can be tempting to power through and load trucks without certain safety equipment. However, a dock leveler can help to prevent serious injuries. This piece of equipment can work to close gaps between the dock and a trailer. This gap, when left unclosed, can easily result in a  person’s foot getting stuck, their ankle twisted or worse. Additionally, a leveler helps to stabilize the trailer and reduce other injury types.

Report Safety Issues

When you see a spill on a walkway or any kind of potential hazard it is important that you report it. When you are in a rush it is easy to assume someone else will report the issue but you have no way of knowing that for sure. Instead, you should always aim to report an issue as soon as you see it to avoid much worse issues.

Avoid Roaming Around the Loading Area

Depending on your schedule and duties, you may find yourself with extra time to walk around during loading and unloading. However, it is much better to stick to areas where you are out of the way and other workers will expect you to be. Having people moving around when and where they are not supposed to be increases the chances someone will run into you and cause an accident.

avoid roaming around

Avoid Rushing and Pay Attention to Signage

Each loading area will be slightly different. Try to look for any posted safety rules and warning signs. Like with so many tips on this list, it is easy to miss or ignore certain safety rules and signage when you are trying to hurry or have become so used to your job you start to bypass certain safety measures.

If you find yourself starting to skip safety measures, slow down. Hurrying will only save time in the short run but cost you much more if an injury occurs. Another tactic is to make sure you take breaks. When you are tired or trying to push through to work faster, it can become even more likely that you will start faltering in following safety measures.

Work with a Company that Values Your Safety

One of the most important safety measures you can take is to work with companies that value your safety and keep loading areas properly maintained. At Ontario Container Transport we realize that the safety of our carriers and other team members needs to always be a top priority. Failing to take safety measures always leads to greater costs, injury, and lost time versus doing things properly from the start. To learn more about working with OCT, contact us today.

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